Migraine Seminar

Upcoming Migraine Seminar with

our very own Claire Richardson

Advanced Practice Pain Management Osteopath

B.Sci (Clin.Sci) M.H.S (Osteo) Prof. Cert. Pain Sciences (UniSA)

Do you, or someone you know, suffer from Migraines?
Migraines can be debilitating and interfere with life in many ways – whether that be in home life, work life or social life.

Claire will present an evening information session including:

  • What is a migraine? What causes it?

  • What are the common migraine triggers?

  • How are migraines treated? What options are there for pain or symptom relief?

  • Which health professionals should be involved in migraine care? Should you be seeing a neurologist?

  • How can you manage your condition yourself? Self care strategies for pain management and migraine prevention and relief.


Claire is our clinic director and an Advanced Practice Pain Management Osteopath. She sees many patients managing migraine headaches and works closely with referring GPs and specialists to assist patients with chronic pain conditions such as migraines.

Claire works as a pain educator as well as an Osteopath, assisting patients to understand how migraines occur, their options for management and the measures that they can take to ease the suffering that is often associated with migraine headaches.

Claire understands that the best outcomes for patients suffering from migraines are achieved when they are educated and empowered to take an active role in their condition management, and aims to help patients understand their condition in simple and clear language.

Managing Migraine – Seminar:

Wednesday 26th July, 7pm

Oakleigh Osteopathy and Allied Health

Presented by Claire Richardson (Advanced Practice Pain Management Osteopath)

Finger food and information packs provided

Cost: FREE!

Hurry – spots limited – please RSVP in the form below or send us an email to secure your spot.


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